Saturday, October 31, 2009


They say that all good things are extremely hard to find, but it is actually right under your nose. But time now changes a lot of things. I’m still talking metaphorically, you can just see that people now opt to choose the flowers that are ridiculously easy to find at the sidewalk stalls. Some people even choose to buy plastic flowers for their loved ones. When some might think that it is an issue, people like this consider this to be convenient considering the fact that they have been working their ass off to earn money that they couldn’t find the time to actually look for unique and rare gifts. I’m not saying that the gift had to be something that is expensive. Some good “things” come in simple packages. But still, you don’t need to have a God given sight to see this “gifts”; you just have to know how to open up your heart to the simple things that God had sent you. If you could only see them, you will thank God in many ways because every little and simple things in life are the ones that can really take your breath away. That is when I started to learn to appreciate the simple things in life, because they are everywhere around me but as humans, we tend to overlook. While I have started to appreciate the things that most people fail to see, it kept me wondering when men are going to start appreciating girls that don’t have obvious beauty. Who brought this trend of seeking for obvious beauty up? If you come to think of it, whatever will happen to people who don’t have obvious beauty and who won’t get lucky? Guys kept questioning when and where are they going to find noble and understanding girls? If they could just open up their mind, heart and eyes to see that the “things” that they didn’t expect to exist in this world at this time of the century are actually around them. Yes guys!! Go on and wonder where do all the wild roses grow? I will have you know that the wild roses are everywhere. Sure, by the sound of it, you might not expect that they will be as pretty and gorgeous as the ones that you find at the florist, but they are one of a kind, without obvious beauties. You need to learn to appreciate them for you to love them. If you think of it, wild roses are not well-kept because they are wild (they grow everywhere) of course! But they can still survive the world and still look like a rose even though they are not well kept in the florist. That’s why guys can ponder only for so long where to find the wild rose that they have been looking for ever since the moment they hear the word ‘love’. This is how you can look for a wild rose; First, you have to learn that love is to appreciate what we already have and not to appreciate the things that we are not even sure will come into our possession. Second is to try and see with your heart. And soon after you have come into the possession of a “wild rose”, you will not once forsake it because if you do, you will be held remorse for the rest of your existence. We are everywhere around you, keeping you company, lending a hand if you needed help, giving you a shoulder to cry on, support you when your back is against the world, listening and laughing with you when that is all you wanted to do. This is who we are!!! These are the lives of a wild rose...don’t ponder where we are, you just have to know how see us...we are all around you and we are not going anywhere.

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