Saturday, November 7, 2009


This is dedicated to all girls out there who have been hurt by the living being who possesses this little thing, scientists call penis but we girls prefer to call them DICK!!! What is it about guys that make us lost our senses??? I am beyond furious when I heard that any of my girlfriends being hurt by their useless boyfriend or by the person whom they had a crush rephrase it, I hate it when my girlfriends are being hurt by’s bad enough that we are the ones who always get our emotions attached once we commit ourselves into a relationship, but to treat us like trash for some absurd reasons?? As I recall, when God made man and women, the only difference is their genitalia and of course, the reproductive systems. That’s all! Nobody mention anything about guys not getting any heart or getting 1/10 of the portion of that of the females?? Ironically, how I wish that could be that there’s finally a reason why guys seem more cold ‘heart’ed (still, there’s a heart there) than women do. This is the normal case scenario; first, a guy told you that you are his world, his heart and everything that you could ever imagine. He also mentioned that his heart is only yours and yours alone. What would you think happen next?? Of course we girls go all...”awwwwwwww, you are the most sweetest boyfriend a girl could ever ask for” or something like that...later that night, we went to bed having the thought that we had the world’s most romantic boyfriend, we feel like we are flying sky high...isn’t that nice??? Little did we realise that he only promises us his heart, thats all...yes girls!!! Your sweet-for-nothing boyfriend promise you only his heart...that is why, he can easily gave his penis away to anyone he likes...because he didn’t say that his penis was yours and yours alone (after getting married, that is I’m talking about). And soon after we get that information, don’t you think it’s a little too late?? By then, he already had given his dick to some girl that he promises to you never gonna happen. Funny, how that turn out. Tell me girls, don’t you feel stupid every time this happens to you?? Forget about being sad and angry, it comes in the package. But how many times are you willing to go through it?? Guy gets off the hook easily, simply because they are heartless...or at times you might feel that something is going to happen between you and this guy, because the both of you spent a lot of time together and he treated you in way that makes you feel that he might be into you too. But soon after that, he posted pictures of him with some other girl on his FACEBOOK. Let me describe to you does it feel like looking at those pictures; you felt like you are the single most stupidest living being who roams this earth, you felt like deleting all his messages and also his phone number (which then, you managed to do), you wish that there is something that can actually erase all the memories that you have spent with him off your tiny little brain, you felt like turning back time and choose not to spend time with this jerk!!! Angry?? Well, I have news for you, that is just the beginning...girls, you know what usually happens next...I am just going to leave it there. For all the things that I have mentioned earlier, that is why I am still practising celibacy, keeping it for the one person. Most people nowadays, choose to ignore celibacy simply because that is what others do and they don’t want to feel left out. That is where we girls went wrong, and they will feel even more stupid once their relationship is over because they already had given away their “crown”. So, to sum it all up, guys are jerk and heartless. That is why I am calling all girls to come on board on my “PENIS EMBARGO” strike...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look ladies,

I will try to explain it from the cheap seats for all of the confused females out there. There is a genetic setup that would take you ladies thousands of years to change. Guess what, we don't want to change. Everyone is taught a way to act that is contrary to the way we are. Men are programmed to check out all the ass out there. Yes that is what we classify you girls as, simple as that. We see every genetic thing right and wrong with you, and every man on this planet from tribes to the big city knows what the ideal woman looks like. If a guy does not like you, there is something wrong with you. Hyperthyroidism (big girls), Depression (higher mental problems in women), ETC. Girls start off being pampered, and you need to learn reality quickly before you end up all shocked and shaken like on this blog. More males die when human babies are born than girls because only one set of chromosomes prevail. Woman carry a collage of sex genes in their DNA in case the human race needs it is the future. You are fighting the stongest sex genes that survived when a man is born, simple as that. Guys want to be active, screw, exercise, and have fun. I don't know if it a Judeo-Christian Society or what, but a better life for all would be having more partners. Sex, exercise, variety, etc. is better for the human race. Other countries don't follow these stupid ideologies. You are never going to change guys. As for your penis embargo, the day you reinvent pussy you let me know. Till then I will be trying to tap your mom and sister, ha, ha, ha.